Academic Catalog


Program Outcomes Course Matrix

(0) Does not meet at all; (1) Slightly meets; (2) Meets; (3) Completely meets
Program Outcomes
Course Code Metu Credit ECTS To correlate sociology and other social sciencesTo interpret knowledge produced by society from a sociological perspectiveTo renew and improve their accumulation by following up-to-date publications and research programs in their fieldsTo be open to occupational novelties in order to understand social changeTo produce original solutions within and outside the discipline and in interdisciplinary levelsTo know and implement the ethics of sociological researchTo be aware of social, environmental, and economic effects in the areas where sociological approaches are appropriatedTo use and transfer the accumulation of sociological knowledge in an interdisciplinary wayTo understand social structures and dynamics by correlating the past, the present and the futureTo connect social theories of knowledge and social practices
SOC100 3 6.03311123131
SOC101 4 8.03332212133
SOC102 4 8.03311233233
SOC104 3 6.0----------
SOC108 3 6.03332223333
SOC114 4 8.02321233233
SOC121 4 8.03232231113
SOC122 4 8.02332232123
SOC131 3 6.02322233233
SOC132 3 6.03322133233
SOC134 3 6.01231223233
SOC203 4 8.03333333333
SOC204 4 8.02323213232
SOC206 3 6.02321233233
SOC213 4 8.02321233233
SOC218 4 8.02221112212
SOC222 3 5.03332223333
SOC232 4 8.02321233233
SOC241 4 8.02333233222
SOC242 4 8.02332232223
SOC250 3 6.02321233233
SOC251 4 8.03311211123
SOC252 4 8.02322211223
SOC257 4 8.03321323233
SOC300 3 6.02332133223
SOC303 4 8.02322313133
SOC305 3 6.03233223233
SOC306 3 6.03222323333
SOC307 3 6.02321233233
SOC308 3 6.02321233233
SOC309 3 6.02321233233
SOC310 3 6.02321233233
SOC312 3 6.03331223232
SOC313 3 6.02321233233
SOC314 4 8.03133323323
SOC315 4 8.03333322333
SOC316 3 6.02321233233
SOC317 3 6.02321233233
SOC318 3 6.02321233233
SOC319 3 6.02321233233
SOC320 3 6.02321233233
SOC321 3 6.02331223233
SOC323 4 8.02321233233
SOC324 3 6.03332332233
SOC325 3 6.02321233233
SOC326 3 6.02321233233
SOC336 3 6.03333323332
SOC341 4 8.02331122233
SOC349 3 6.03321122322
SOC354 3 6.02321233233
SOC362 3 6.02323211333
SOC363 4 8.03333333333
SOC370 3 6.02321233233
SOC381 3 6.02321333333
SOC382 3 6.03333232333
SOC384 3 6.02331223233
SOC385 3 6.02331223233
SOC388 3 6.02321233233
SOC390 3 6.02321233233
SOC400 3 6.03332133223
SOC401 3 6.02321233233
SOC402 3 6.02221132223
SOC403 3 6.03332323333
SOC404 3 6.02321233233
SOC405 3 6.02321233233
SOC407 9 0.02321233233
SOC410 3 6.02321233233
SOC411 9 0.02321233233
SOC413 3 6.02321233233
SOC415 3 6.02321233233
SOC416 3 6.02321233233
SOC417 3 6.02321233233
SOC419 3 6.03332323333
SOC420 3 6.02321222333
SOC421 3 6.02211122222
SOC422 3 6.02321233233
SOC423 3 6.02321233233
SOC425 3 6.03332323333
SOC426 3 6.03333322332
SOC427 3 6.03333333333
SOC428 3 6.03332333323
SOC429 3 6.02321233233
SOC434 3 6.02331223233
SOC435 3 6.02321223233
SOC437 3 6.02321233233
SOC438 3 6.02321233233
SOC439 3 6.03322332333
SOC440 3 6.02321223233
SOC442 3 6.02322223223
SOC444 3 6.02331223233
SOC448 3 6.03333323333
SOC455 3 6.02321233233
SOC456 3 6.02321233233
SOC457 3 6.03333223333
SOC461 3 6.02321233233
SOC466 3 6.03211223332
SOC485 3 6.02321322331
SOC497 3 6.02333223133
SOC498 3 6.02333213133
PSY1010 3 5.01231332223
PHIL108 3 5.02221323333
ECON210 3 5.02221323333
ENG101 4 6.02221323333
ENG102 4 6.02221333333
ENG211 3 4.02222323333