Academic Catalog


Program Outcomes Course Matrix

(0) Does not meet at all; (1) Slightly meets; (2) Meets; (3) Completely meets
Program Outcomes
Course Code Metu Credit ECTS Ability to establish the relationship between mathematics, basic sciences and engineering sciences with engineering applicationsAbility to find and interpret informationAbility to follow the literature and technology related to his/her topic of interestRecognition of the need to keep oneself up to date in his/her professionPossession of written and oral communication skillsAbility to conduct team work (within the discipline, inter-disciplinary, multi-disciplinary)Ability to produce original solutionsUse of scientific methodology in approaching and producing solutions to engineering problems and needsOpenness to all that is newAbility to conduct experimentsAbility to do engineering designAwareness of engineering ethics, knowledge and adoption of its fundamental elementsAbility to take societal, environmental and economic considerations into account in professional activitiesPossession of pioneering and leadership characteristics in areas related to the profession
MECH50 3 5.0--------------
MECH51 3 5.0--------------
MECH100 1 1.011011002101321
MECH113 3 4.521122011202111
MECH114 3 4.522122122203211
MECH202 4 6.032231012332221
MECH203 4 6.033111002001110
MECH205 3 5.031011013100100
MECH206 3 5.033000003003000
MECH208 3 5.031011013100100
MECH220 3 5.021003301030100
MECH227 3 5.032221003220110
MECH301 4 6.031111023201111
MECH303 3 5.032221133201122
MECH304 3 5.031121022202000
MECH305 4 6.032100003001000
MECH307 3 7.033222133203321
MECH308 3 5.032212133213321
MECH310 3 5.0--------------
MECH311 4 6.030101002002000
MECH320 1 4.032003302030100
MECH401 3 5.032211112312111
MECH402 3 5.0--------------
MECH403 3 5.032221123213211
MECH405 3 5.032323323101120
MECH408 3 5.023332232313232
MECH411 3 5.033330033300000
MECH413 3 5.031121023100101
MECH414 3 5.0--------------
MECH415 3 5.0--------------
MECH418 3 5.031-11023202212
MECH420 2 5.033323312231232
MECH421 3 5.031203203003000
MECH422 3 5.0--------------
MECH425 3 5.0--------------
MECH429 3 5.032221122102111
MECH431 3 5.0--------------
MECH432 3 5.0--------------
MECH433 3 5.022323212211011
MECH434 3 5.033112023202111
MECH438 3 5.032211112312111
MECH442 3 5.032222123213110
MECH450 3 5.0--------------
MECH451 3 5.0--------------
MECH453 3 5.022332333302232
MECH458 3 6.033333333213331
MECH461 3 5.023332222323000
MECH463 3 5.0--------------
MECH465 3 5.0--------------
MECH466 3 5.033223023200111
MECH468 3 5.0--------------
MECH471 3 5.033223332202221
MECH476 3 5.0--------------
MECH478 3 5.0--------------
MECH484 3 5.0--------------
MECH485 3 5.013202233000002
MECH492 3 5.033311123312111
MECH493 3 5.0--------------
MECH495 3 5.012223312203121
MECH496 3 5.0--------------
MECH498 3 5.0--------------
ECO280 3 5.0--------------
CNG230 3 5.0--------------
EEE209 3 5.0--------------
MAT100 2 3.0--------------
MAT119 5 7.5--------------
MAT120 5 7.5--------------
MAT210 4 8.0--------------
MAT219 4 7.0--------------
PHY105 4 6.5--------------
PHY106 4 6.5--------------
ENGL101 4 6.0--------------
ENGL102 4 6.0--------------
ENGL211 3 4.0--------------
ENGL311 3 4.0--------------
CHM107 4 6.0--------------
ESC280 3 5.0--------------