Academic Catalog


Course Code: 2400337
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week): 3(2-1)
ECTS Credit: 7.0
Department: History
Language of Instruction: English
Level of Study: Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester: Fall Semesters.

Course Content

-Classification of conventional resources (archive, museum, 1 st Hand, 2 nd Hand, etc.) and their formats
-Electronical resources and their types (converting conventional resources into digital technology and 1 st Hand e-sources)
-Recognition, processing and mutual conversion techniques of e-sources, installation and setup routines of the required software.
-Acknowledgement of e-archives in Turkey (State Archives, Grand National Assembly, National Library, etc.)and digital resources, e-library, e-books, e-articles, electronic databases
-Search for e-articles and access to texts (JSTOR, Academic Search, EBSCO, ERIC, Elsevier, Oxford, Google-academics, vs)
-Effective course search in leading engines (Google, Bing, etc)
-Access to e-dissertations, e-Theses, and processing techniques, library catalog systems, Library of Congress e-resources
-Reference and citation styles (APA, Chicago, MLA), citing methods of electronic resources including footnote, end note and bibliography
-Internet tools (http://,ftp://,telnet://) and required software protocols, access to historical texts and maps using ftp sources
-Web page techniques, launching a personal web-site and publishing