Academic Catalog


Course Code: 3640471
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week): 3(3-0)
ECTS Credit: 7.0
Department: Civil Engineering
Language of Instruction: English
Level of Study: Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester: Fall Semesters.
Prerequisite: Set 1: 3640372 , 3640376
The course set above should be completed before taking CVE471 WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING .

Course Content

Introduction to water resources. Reservoirs. Classification of dams. Failure and rehabilitation of dams. Types of spillways, energy dissipation facilities, crest gates. Water uses and quantities, water quality, water treatment. Elements of water transmission and distribution. Design and construction of sewer systems. Land classification for irrigation, soil-water relationships. Design of classical irrigation networks. Characteristics of land drainage, design of surface and subsurface drainage systems.