Academic Catalog


Professor Doctor:

ACAR, Feride Pýnar Bachelor's; METU, Master's; Bilkent University, Doctorate; Texas Tech University.
GÜNER, Zehra Nuray Bachelor's; METU, Master's; Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Doctorate; Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
KARABABA, Eminegül Bachelor's; METU, Master's; Bilkent, Master's; METU, Doctorate; Bilkent.
WASTÝ PAMUKSUZ, Syeda Nazlý Bachelor's; METU, Master's; University of Missouri-Rolla, Master's; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Doctorate; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
ÖZDEMÝR YILDIRIM, Özlem Bachelor's; METU, Master's; Texas Tech University, Doctorate; Texas Tech University.

Associate Professor:

DANIÞOÐLU, Seza Bachelor's; METU, Master's; Texas Tech University, Doctorate; Texas Tech University.
KARAKAYA, Gülþah Bachelor's; METU, Master's; METU, Doctorate; METU.
ONAY, Lamia Zeynep Bachelor's; Nottingham University, Doctorate; Nottingham University.
TOPAL, Çaðrý Bachelor's; METU, Master's; METU, Doctorate; University of Alberta.
ÞENDENÝZ YÜNCÜ, Ýlkay Bachelor's; METU, Master's; METU, Master's; METU, Doctorate; Bilkent University.

Assistant Professor:

AYAYDIN HACIÖMEROÐLU, Hande Bachelor's; METU, Master's; METU, Doctorate; The University of Manchester.