Academic Catalog


Course Code: 5670493
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week): 3(2-2)
ECTS Credit: 6.0
Department: Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Language of Instruction: English
Level of Study: Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester: Fall Semesters.
Prerequisite: Set 1: 5670302 , 5670313 , 5670314
Set 2: 5670302 , 5670313 , 5670361
Set 3: 5670313 , 5670314 , 5670361
One of the sets above should be completed before taking EE493 ENGINEERING DESIGN I.

Course Content

Fundamentals of design, project management, design tools, simulation standards and safety, quality concepts, ethics, design experience through a team project.