Academic Catalog


Course Code: 3140488
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week): 3(3-0)
ECTS Credit: 6.0
Department: International Relations
Language of Instruction: English
Level of Study: Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester: Spring Semesters.

Course Content

This course is designed for the undergraduate students who are interested in learning Turkey’s role in international politics of energy. The course deals with the approaches to and characteristics of international politics of energy as well as Turkey’s energy strategy in a wider international context. The course also covers Turkey’s production and consumption of coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear and renewable forms of energy. Besides, the course explores Turkey’s energy cooperation with the United States, the European Union and Russia as well as international politics of energy in the following neighbouring regions of Turkey: The Caspian, the Black Sea, the Middle East and the Mediterranean.