Academic Catalog


Course Code: 3740331
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week): 3(3-0)
ECTS Credit: 6.0
Department: Petroleum And Natural Gas Engineering
Language of Instruction: English
Level of Study: Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester: Fall Semesters.
Prerequisite: Set 1: 3740218 , 3740220
Set 2: 3740216
One of the sets above should be completed before taking PNGE331 PETROLEUM PRODUCTION ENGINEERING I .

Course Content

Drill stem testing, well completion methods, completion fluids and sand control. Perforating, well head equipment and flow control devices, production packers, oil and gas separators. Flowing well performance, sucker rod pumping, submersible electrical centrifugal pumping, well stimulation techniques; acidizing, hydraulic fracturing.