Academic Catalog


Course Code: 2380351
METU Credit (Theoretical-Laboratory hours/week): 4(4-0)
ECTS Credit: 6.0
Department: Biology
Language of Instruction: English
Level of Study: Undergraduate
Course Coordinator:
Offered Semester: Fall Semesters.
Prerequisite: Set 1: 2380101 , 2380102
The course set above should be completed before taking BIOL351 INTRODUCTION TO GENETICS .

Course Content

This course provides the students with the basic concepts of classical genetics and with the view of molecular genetics from today`s perspective. General principles of Mendelian Genetics, chromosome theory of inheritance, linkage and mapping, structure and function of genes, gene expression and its regulation, chromosomal aberrations and mutations are covered. Elementary principles that govern developmental, quantitative, behavioral, population and evolutionary genetics are also discussed.